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Tim Hortons has partnered with Magnusmode to provide step-by-step, illustrated guides to support Guests with autism and cognitive special needs. The guides enable people with special needs to access restaurants and services with greater independence and inclusion.
MagnusCards is a free mobile app designed to support people with autism and other cognitive special needs to thrive in the real world.
Created by the dedicated Magnusmode team and tested in collaboration with autism organizations across North America, MagnusCards is an expansive library of life skills that fit in the palm of your hand. People all around the world are using and creating MagnusCards.
To get MagnusCards, download the app from either the Apple or Google Play app stores.
Magnusmode is a social venture founded by Nadia Hamilton, the sibling of a young man, Troy, who has autism. During childhood, Nadia and her family helped Troy to navigate life at home by creating step-by-step, illustrated guides for activities like brushing teeth. When Troy graduated from high school at the age of 21, he faced a frustrating lack of opportunities for continued personal and social development. This led Nadia to start a company that creates applications to empower and support people with cognitive special needs at each life stage – applications that draw from her personal experience with her brother.
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